Woah, 2017. A year until now reserved for use in the title of speculative fiction novels and use-by dates but here we are. I think my credit card is going to expire. Doesn’t it feel a bit like when cartoons wander outside their squares, or when the Simpsons went 3D? There are no maps for these territories or something like that. I hesitate to say I’m enjoying it, but like any ride, at least we’re going somewhere. Is that better than staying still? I’m not sure. That escalated quickly #drivel … Bowling Shane!

…and I think we can all agree it’s pretty bloody good.
Look if only you knew, dear bleeders, what I go through making this stupid newsletter, the amount of time I waste reformatting.. up until this afternoon it was a simple one column affair. But then I decided I’d put the side bar over there on the left with all the dates which will probably just come up first on your mobile displays and so it will all have been in vain anyway. I hope some people are reading this on their DESKTOPS or LAPTOPS or even TABLET DEVICES. Cause that’s what it’s optimised for. Optimistically. Cause only about 20% of the people on my mailing list even open these. I know, cause they’re tracked. Sinister, that. Anyway over to you Shane. Areas Shane.
Enero is just chockers, we’re already nearly a third of the way through it and I still have another twelve shows to do this month. TWELVE MORE SHOWS. I need to stop shouting actually, I have realised recently that it’s not singing that wrecks my voice, it’s the endless shouting at people after gigs that does it. I don’t have an inside voice. Anyway check out this little lot, lovely jubbly, cor blimey. Once again I have just thrown all the bands into the mix, it seems somewhat pointless to separate them. If you’d like a much more eloquent examination of/enquiry into the partitioning of lives I suggest you read The Golden Notebook by Doris Lessing. Read it years ago. Just thought of it then. In university. At university? Maybe in Townsville. James Cook. Magnetic Island. GBRMPA pronounced gah BRUM pah. Moreton Bay Figs. The big locomotive engine and the pool, North Ward. Tobruk Pool. The Seaview. The Bank. Shots of black Sambuca in test tubes. For free. Gravel Samwidge.

The band some people are talking about, Hownowmer, are taking up the Sunday Tote Front Bar January challenge. They have a sickening line up of stunning adventurers lined up for your kicks so think about not missing out, get involved, from 5pm every remaining Sunday in January. Taken straight from the Facebook event. Hey we’re also going to Japan in April! Know anyone in Japan? Get in touch at ben@bensalter.com.au and tell us what they’re into.
15th w/UTE ROOT n Deep Scene, 22nd w/ Local Coward, Leon & The Freedom Cage & Shit Narnia from WA, 29th w/ Thug Mills and Mod Vigil


