It’s good to be home. Back on the ranch. And it’s getting cold down here in Tasmania, and I love it, or I claim to until the first trip to the bathroom in the middle of the night without a dressing gown. Then I start to think about dear old Brisbane and her perfect winters. But I don’t have much to complain about really, it’s stunning down here, and I have a lot of friends coming to visit over the winter starting with my very dear friend and Gin Club band mate Conor Macdonald aka Captain Fighting Machine who is set to release his debut album through Heart of the Rat Records any day now.

We’re doing three shows around Tasmania, in Launceston, Sheffield and Franklin. I couldn’t be more excited. But that’s not the end of it! Stay tuned for more exciting announcements, cause in July I have another Gin Club member or members joining me for a little solo tour. Until then, don’t forget to check out my Patreon site and hopefully I’ll see you around the traps real soon.