The Official Website of Ben Salter

An Australian Performer

Beautiful Girls support this Friday! Band Announced!

Hey All,

I’m supporting the Beautiful Girls at the Hi Fi Bar in West End, Brisbane this Friday night. It’s a bit exciting as it will be the first time I play these new songs with a band. I have assembled a crack team of psychos and desperados who a) don’t care if they live or die and b) have nothing to lose. They’ll be standing up the back in the dark so their talent and sexy appearance don’t deflect attention away from me, The Star.

The band consists of my old chum Steven Lynagh (Giants of Science, Fulcrum) on drums, all round legend and renaissance woman Mel Fraser on bass, and local legend Dale Peachey (Dollar Bar, Seaplane) on guitar and keys.

This show will be a bit of a warm up for our real coming out party, the Ric’s Big Backyard Festival, on Saturday the 26th of March.  We’re playing at 3.30pm on the downstairs stage. It’ll be sweet!

Take care



Ben Salter’s debut solo album

Ben Salter’s debut solo album, The Cat, will be released in July 2011.
He’s running an IndieGoGo campaign to help raise money to promote the album.. have a look here

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